Seid  Allahverdiyev

Seid Allahverdiyev,PhD


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10 years of experience

What does it mean under Nasal septum deviation?

What does it mean under Nasal septum deviation?

Author: PhD Dr. Said Allahverdiyev

Published: 16.08.2017
Seid Allahverdiyev

What does it mean under Nasal septum? The nasal septum is the nasal plate that divides the nasal cavity into right and left nostrils. It consists of cartilaginous and bone tissues, covered with a mucous membrane. Deviation can occur at birth or later as a consequences of an injury. According to the statistics there are 70-80 medical cases with any Nasal septum deviation for every 100 people did not seek treatment.  In such a case any medical intervention is not required. The medical treatment is required in response to health encounter. Septoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct a deviated septum, this means  restoration of nasal septum correct form.

Which symptoms and signs are indicative for health encounter?

Absolute lack of ability to nose breathe,  occasional snoring, breathing interruption that occurs during sleep (Apnea),  headaches, shortness of breath, aural fullness, nasal hemorrhages, etc.

Surgical treatment: Length of surgical procedure minutes under regional or general anesthesia is 20-30 minutes.  The aim of procedure is to correct the deviation of cartilage or bone inhibiting nasal breathing. The same day at evening the patient will be dismissed. Silicone nasal splints do not inhibit breathing (up-to-date healthcare product used as a tampon) and will be  pain-free removed after 3-5 days. Finally the patient has an opportunity to easy nasal breathing. The nose Septoplasty performs either as classic nasal septal reconstruction or as endoscopic septoplasty procedure. In classical Septoplasty the septum is incised in front of the deviation. Endoscopic septoplasty comprises a small incision in the specific area of a deviated nasal septum and makes it possible to observe the procedure on a monitor.

Possible complications: postoperative hemorrhage, perforation of the nasal septum, intranasal synechia (nasal  commissures), etc. The use of modern technologies significantly reduces the incidence of complications.

Modern medical technologies: Materials applied - Silicone nasal splints (up-to-date healthcare product used as a tampon), depending on the type of nasal septum deviation surgical operation can also be performed as endoscopic septoplasty, the extracted parts of the cartilage will be remodeled and returned back to their place (repaired).

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Seid Allahverdiyev,PhD

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