Seid  Allahverdiyev

Seid Allahverdiyev,PhD


Tibb üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru

10 years of experience



Author: PHD Doctor Said Allakhverdiyev

Published: 01.08.2017
Seid Allahverdiyev

The reason of complications of nasal polyps in children

Nasal polyps are usually seen in children up to 14 years. They are representing a lymphadenoid tissue in the nasopharynx, their existence in children is not a pathology, but is perceived as a pathology at enlargement in sizes.

Symptoms of existence of this problem in children

First of all parents visit the doctor with symptoms of a stuffy nose of the child, the child sleeping with a mouth open, snoring, and in certain cases with respiratory standstill for a couple of seconds. During the surveillance it becomes clear that these children are often exposed to viral infections, they suffer from thick nasal discharge, complain of ear-aches, hear loss and chronic cough.

Surveillance of children

Naturally, unlike with adults, treatment of children isn't simple. It will be useful to make an impression at the child that it he was brought not for surveillance, having allowed the child to get used to an office and having gained trust to the doctor wearing white dressing gown by having a conversation with the parent. After the child relaxed, he will sit on the medical couch without realizing that. But it is necessary to admit that this method does not work with all children.

The nose of the child with suspicion of adenoid vegetation is surveyed by a thin endoscope, the image on the screen is estimated by the doctor and information about the sizes of adenoids is provided to the parent. I want to notice what during the surveillance the parent can also watch the image on the endoscope screen.

The indications for surveillance are the complaints listed above. In addition, the results of endoscopic surveillance are of a high value. If the adenoid tissue is at the 3rd stage, then in most cases there is a need in surgery. Adenoids of the 1st grade aren't the indication for a surgery, the 2nd grade are either operated, or treated depending on complaints.

Anesthesia during the surgery

It is surely carried out under a general narcosis, as surgery under a local narcosis frames serious problems to the child's mentality. Operation takes 10-15 minutes. Use of the modern medical equipment reduces duration of operation and reduces risk of bleeding. In 3-4 hours after observation in hospital conditions, the child is released from the hospital.

Modern methods in surgery on nasal polyps

At present as the newest method of removal of adenoids in nose called an endoscopic shaver is applied. The main advantage of this method is bringing the chances of complication to the minimum. The chance of repeated formation of adenoids after the adenotomy with an endoscopic shaver is much less than their emergence after the adenotomy carried out in a usual way.

Cases of non-invasive treatment

The doctor has to make the decision after hearing all the complaints and performing surveillance. The age of the child is very important in this pathology. If adenoids of the 2nd grade are present at the child of 11 years and he does not have keen complaints, prescribing treatment will be more expedient.

Complications which can arise in case of not carrying out surgery on  polyps

It can become the reason of such complications as diseases of cardiovascular and blood system, curvature of teeth, jaw underdevelopment, hear loss, etc. which can't be prevented. In order to avoid such pathologies it is necessary to refer to the expert in time. Results of correctly carried out surveillance and surgery, will prevent complications of polyps and provide a chance for the child's  healthy growing.

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Seid Allahverdiyev,PhD

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