Prolotherapy - a nonsurgical treatment method of back pain!

Prolotherapy - a nonsurgical treatment method of back pain!

Author: Vertebrologist Ruhel Qasimov , (+994 50) 863-66-88

Published: 30.09.2017
Elfane Suleymanova

Say no to surgical interference without prolotherapy treatment !
Prolotherapy is a successful mode of release from pain directly in the musculo-articular system. It was developed in the United States in the 60s-70s and found a use for a long time in a number of countries. In Turkey, for the first time, prolotherapy  was applied  by Dr. Ilker Solmaz since 2008. I experienced a  prolotherapy as of the time I get acquainted with Dr. Ilker Solmaz. His absorption in this work and daily appreciation of recovered patients inspired me to a comprehensive and detailed examination of prolotherapy. In our country I performed a prolotherapy, for the first time, in 2015. In the course of time my interest to this treatment mode was heighten because of wide number of recovered patients increasing from day to day.  This treatment mode is based on so-called proliferation performed by giving an injection of a regenerative and reparative solution leading to cells and connective tissues renewal process.

The administered hypertonic dextrose solution initiates the formation of a short-term non-microbial inflammation in fibrous bands, in the fibrous bands-muscles attachment joints and  tendons-articulations junction sites. As a result the body blood circulation and nutrition is supported in this area and the repair of damaged connective tissues is provided.

Prolotherapy is beneficial in recovery of body by "triggering the self-repair mechanism". As a consequence the process starts resulting in renewal of the connective tissue of ligaments and cartilage. Along with that the relief of pain sensations will be achieved in the affected area such as articulations, tendons and muscles. Treatment is based on the renewal and regeneration of tissues in the affected area. That's why the word prolotherapy is derived from the word "prolo" and further the word "prolo" is the short form of the word proliferation (it means - growth, formation).

Prolotherapy makes it possible to achieve successful results subject to such medical conditions as breakings, damages of ligament connective tissue and joint pains, spinal hernia, kneecap dislocation, damage of knee joint tendons, cervicogenic headache, scapulalgia and cervical spine pains, persistent postoperative joint pains and back pains, pain in the shoulder joint and tendon injuries, osteochondrosis of the knee joint (arthrosis).

As distinguished to other treatment options the prolotherapy not only relieves pain, but also eliminates the cause of pain.

Prolotherapy is used in the treatment of the following medical conditions as follows:
- Back pain (after surgical removal of hernia, surgical treatment of osteochondrosis);
 - Сervicalgia (after surgery of the neck, surgical treatment of cervical osteochondrosis);
 - Pain in the scapula (after surgery of the shoulder blade hernia, surgical treatment of osteochondrosis);
 - Persistent pains in the muscles and dorsal spinal ligaments, thoracic cage and feathers;
 - Tendinitis and ligamentitis (chronic pain tendon pains and ligament pains);
 - Arthrosis;
 - Persistent postoperative leg pains and wrists pains;
 - Coccygodynia (tailbone pain);
 - Scoliosis;
 - Osteitis pubis symphysis;
 - Pains in the knee joint (chondromalacia, osteochondrosis of the knee joint, knee meniscus and damage of knee ligaments);
 - Tennis elbow and golf elbow (lateral and medial epicondylitis);
 - Morton's Neuroma;
 - Spondylostylesis (dislocation of vertebra);
 - Carpal tunnel syndrome;
 - "Frozen shoulder" syndrome.

In case the patient has the patience to follow the doctor's advice, then the number of patients recovered by means of  prolotherapy can reach 70-80%.

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